Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 14, 30 Days of Thankful

I don't know what's happening here; somehow yesterday just flew by! I told myself I had already written my blog post; I must be going crazy. Ha, I saw a funny on facebook that said something along the lines of: one in four people is mentally unstable. If you think three of your closest friends are ok, then you must be the crazy one. That would be me!

I am thankful for the elliptical machine we have downstairs. I can exercise inside even when the temperatures are cold! I can even watch TV. It's a hard life :)

Today I am thankful to have my kids at home with me. They are working on their school right now (the two oldest) while the two youngest take a nap. We had blueberry pancakes for lunch and are just having a peaceful day at home. My husband will be home soon, and maybe we'll have a fire in the fireplace! Like I said, hard life....

Cozy day to you!

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