Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Lots of little things have been irritating this week (don't even get me started on the skein of yarn from a different dye lot), so I want to go in the opposite direction. Here are some things that are just a blessing and a joy:

1. Our church family - we are surrounded by love and prayer from these dear folk.

2. Our 4 sweet children - they are hilarious with their nonstop ideas and conversations! "It would be hard to get a cheetah while it's running, right?" Just came up.

3. Fresh eggs every day from our flock of hens.

4. Protection and care of our health and strength.

5. A pantry full of ingredients; the choices!

6. A beautiful area of the country to live in - the leaves are just about to change!

7. Parents/Grandparents that pray for us.

8. Two little girls that still take afternoon naps and give a bit of quiet time.

9. So many good books to read - a whole lifetime of reading just doesn't even scratch the surface!

10. The internet with so many recipes and ideas to be discovered.

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